Breaking Waves: Ocean News

06/04/2024 - 06:00
‘We have a landlord that is stonewalling us,’ one former Inyo county official says of LA, which has long owned large swaths of the Owens valley This article is reported by AfroLA and co-published by AfroLA, Guardian US and Inyo county’s the Sheet. It’s the second of several stories examining the impact of Los Angeles’s extensive landownership in the Owens valley. You can read the first one here. Two rural California airports that are crucial to local air ambulance services, firefighting efforts and search and rescue operations are unable to perform critical repairs, blocked by an agency 300 miles away: the city of Los Angeles. Continue reading...
06/04/2024 - 06:00
Exclusive: Defra issues new cull licences despite government adviser saying there is ‘no justification’ Badger cull licences have been issued by the government despite its own scientific adviser saying there is “no justification” for doing so. Leaked documents seen by the Guardian show the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs this month issued 17 new licences to continue culling badgers, overruling Dr Peter Brotherton, the director of science at Natural England, the government’s adviser for the natural environment in England. Continue reading...
06/04/2024 - 06:00
One way to reduce the cost of your next grocery store or restaurant visit is to consider making some foods from scratch at home – here are five recipes If you have felt startled by your total at the grocery store checkout line, you’re not alone. Since the onset of the Covid pandemic, US grocery prices have risen faster than the rate of inflation. People are now paying 25% more for their groceries than they were pre-pandemic, and for the past three years, grocery prices have increased more and grown faster than other prices, according to a recent report. And since almost every household regardless of income buys groceries on a regular basis, it’s no surprise that higher prices are a top concern for American families. Restaurants have also gotten more expensive due to higher food and labor costs. Continue reading...
06/04/2024 - 01:00
Scientists are tagging sharks to map Pacific migration routes in a bid to expand marine reserves before more of these endangered species fall prey to illegal industrial fishing It’s a three-person job to land a 2-metre shark: two to wrap ropes around its thrashing tail and midriff, a third to clamp shut its powerful jaws. Hanging over the side of the Sea Quest fishing skiff, the crew work quickly to minimise any distress to the animal, a female silky shark. Once onboard, a hose attached to a saltwater pump is placed in her mouth, to irrigate her gills. Catching and tagging sharks is contentious among some researchers, who say it is harmful. But for Alex Hearn, a professor of biology at Quito’s Universidad de San Francisco in Ecuador, who has studied sharks for two decades, it is critical to understanding behaviour that could better protect one of the most endangered group of vertebrates on the planet. Continue reading...
06/04/2024 - 00:00
Analysis of policies of nearly 150 countries shows shortfall to hit target viewed as vital for transition from fossil fuels The world is off track to meet the goal of tripling renewable electricity generation by 2030, a target viewed as vital to enable a swift global transition away from fossil fuels, but there are promising signs that the pace of progress may be picking up. Countries agreed last December on a tripling of renewable power by the end of this decade. But few have yet taken concrete steps to meet this requirement and on current policies and trends global renewable generation capacity would only roughly double in developed countries, and slightly more than double globally by 2030, according to an analysis by the International Energy Agency. Continue reading...
06/04/2024 - 00:00
Figures show breaches have rarely led to prosecution by Drinking Water Inspectorate since 2021 The drinking water regulator for England and Wales has brought only three prosecutions against water companies for providing poor quality water since 2021, despite 362 instances in which water was flagged as being unfit for human consumption. Periodically, members of the public or companies have informed the Drinking Water Inspectorate about water that has not been not safe for human consumption. In those instances, the DWI can issue legal instruments that require companies to put in place a package of measures. Continue reading...
06/03/2024 - 23:15
Band announces their carbon footprint after two years of touring is 59% lower than what was generated on their previous tour, thanks to some creative solutions Coldplay has announced that they have reduced their touring carbon footprint by 59% compared with their previous world tour – via some creative methods that include kinetic dancefloors that allow dancing fans to generate electricity, recyclable LED wristbands and the band travelling by train. On Monday the British band announced that they were “happy to report that direct CO2e emissions from the first two years of this tour are 59% less than our previous stadium tour (2016-17), on a show-by-show comparison”. Continue reading...
06/03/2024 - 20:09
Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, has begun erupting in a remote area that last saw an eruption half-century ago, the US Geological Survey’s Hawaiian Volcano Observatory said. The eruption is about 1.6 km (1 mile) south of the Kilauea caldera, in an area within Hawaii Volcanoes national park that last erupted in December 1974. The area surrounding the caldera has been closed to the public since 2008 because of other hazards, including ground cracking, instability in the crater wall and rockfalls. Hawaii’s Kilauea, one of the most active volcanoes in the world, erupts Continue reading...
06/03/2024 - 19:42
Jim Everett-puralia meenamatta refused to attend court on charges of trespassing over an anti-forestry protest ‘I’m ready for everything and I don’t care’: the man refusing to turn up at an Australian ‘colonial’ court Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Get our morning and afternoon news emails, free app or daily news podcast A Hobart magistrate has issued an arrest warrant for an Aboriginal activist who refused to attend court on charges stemming from a protest because he does not consider himself an Australian citizen. Jim Everett-puralia meenamatta says he wants to highlight the destruction of forests and issues of Indigenous sovereignty. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...
06/03/2024 - 17:18
Governors say president has ‘done nothing but attack American energy’ and urge end to US fossil-fuel rules and regulations Republican governors gathered in the fossil-fuel rich state of Louisiana on Monday to rail against the Biden administration’s climate agenda and lay out plans to “unleash American energy”, alarming community advocates and climate experts. “President Biden has done nothing but attack American energy,” said the Louisiana governor Jeff Landry, who led the Wednesday press conference. Continue reading...