Breaking Waves: Ocean News

05/30/2024 - 02:00
From crab monitoring and bear patrols to rescue operations, the watchmen are the official eyes and ears of indigenous communities It’s Delaney Mack’s first time pulling crab traps and she is unsure what to do. Mack, the newest member of the Nuxalk Guardian Watchmen, has had months of training for the multifaceted job, which might on any given day include rescuing a kayaker, taking ocean samples or monitoring a logging operation. But winching crabs up 100ft from the sea floor was not in the manual. Soon, however, the four-person operation is humming along. The crab survey is a vital part of their work as guardians of this Indigenous territory in the Canadian province of British Columbia. It was started more than 15 years ago in response to heavy commercial crab fishing in an area where the federal government had done little independent monitoring to determine if a fishery was sustainable. Continue reading...
05/30/2024 - 01:35
Government of Christopher Luxon has made sweeping cuts to climate projects in its first budget, with no new significant environmental investments The New Zealand government has been accused of waging a “war on nature” after it announced sweeping cuts to climate action projects, while making no significant new investments in environmental protection or climate crisis-related policy. In its 2024/25 budget, handed down on Thursday, the rightwing coalition announced spending on law and order, education, health and a series of tax cuts, as the country struggles with inflation and cost-of-living pressures. Māori knowledge-based approaches to agricultural emissions reduction Community-based renewable energy schemes The Climate Change Commission External and internal specialists who supply evidence and data on environmental monitoring and science Freshwater policy initiatives Native forest planting Development of a circular economy, relating to recycling and reuse Jobs for Nature, a programme creating jobs to benefit the environment Reducing biosecurity monitoring Continue reading...
05/29/2024 - 19:25
Antibiotics prevent snails from forming new memories by disrupting their gut microbiome -- the community of beneficial bacteria found in their guts.
05/29/2024 - 13:48
Research that looked at 53 million births says Black and Hispanic mothers and those in lower socioeconomic groups most at risk Heatwaves increase rates of preterm births, which can lead to poorer health outcomes for babies and impact their long-term health, a new study found. Black and Hispanic mothers, as well as those in lower socioeconomic groups, are particularly at risk of delivering early following heat waves. Continue reading...
05/29/2024 - 13:41
Researchers involved in cataloguing the world's plant species are hunting for answers as to what makes some groups of plants so successful. One of their major goals is to predict more accurately which lineages of flowering plants -- some of which are of huge importance to people and to ecosystems -- are at a greater risk from global climate change.
05/29/2024 - 13:40
Sticks and stones aren't enough to thwart biological attraction, but sometimes those are the only tools available to pastoralists trying to prevent wildlife from eloping with their livestock. A new study brings awareness to both the human impacts of these encounters -- ranging from economic loss to death -- and conservation concerns for the wild animals that are often endangered.
05/29/2024 - 13:29
Researchers, in partnership with the city of Los Angeles, have developed the urban association index to help identify how well or poorly individual wildlife species are doing in the city. The researchers found unexpected pockets of biodiversity deep in the city, but they say it will still be a challenge to elevate Los Angeles' overall level of biodiversity.
05/29/2024 - 10:12
It’s not just pommes frites. Beef bourguignon, avocado and foie gras will also be unavailable Name: french fries. Age: invented about 300 years ago, ironically in Belgium. Continue reading...
05/29/2024 - 10:00
New study published in Cell Reports Sustainability finds emission reductions provided $249bn of climate and health benefits By increasing its use of renewable energy, the US has not only slashed its planet-warming emissions but also improved its air quality, yielding hundreds of billions of dollars of benefits, a new report has found. The study, published in Cell Reports Sustainability on Wednesday and based on publicly available data, focuses on uptick of renewable energy in the US from 2019 to 2022. Continue reading...
05/29/2024 - 10:00
Exclusive: Five facilities named in documents tabled in NSW parliament defend practices, as independent experts question whether testing system is failing consumers Recycling fill sold in Sydney stores tests positive for asbestos Big waste companies broke rules on testing for contamination Follow our Australia news live blog for latest updates Facilities belonging to some of the leading commercial laboratory companies in Australia were among those that retested samples of landscaping products at the request of their waste company clients, after initial tests found contamination not compliant with New South Wales laws. Guardian Australia revealed earlier this year the testing regime meant to limit toxic chemicals in landscaping material known as “recovered fines” had been compromised by the practice of waste companies asking private laboratories to retest samples until they passed. Sign up for Guardian Australia’s free morning and afternoon email newsletters for your daily news roundup Continue reading...