Fresh Water and Sanitation
UNICEF is a world leader in providing education programs that benefit the health of children. This site is outlines the case for teaching students about clean water and the environment.
The Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council provides a substatiative argument to create lessons that demonstrate the need for clean water and sanitation to students in all developing nations.
The World Bank Group develops the position first proposed at the 2002 World Summit for Sustainable Development that the international community must be responsible for the development of clean water and santitation for those countries still doing without.
"Blue Gold" is fresh, drinkable water; something that is quickly becoming a commodity to be bought, sold and traded. Here are articles and news stories addressing this issue.
News Hour on PBS has great lesson plans with connections to current news stories. This page highlights all of the links to “clean water” that the PBS search engine could find. Perfect reading for the concerned student or teacher.
The Story of Drinking Water - a fun, student-friendly site. The topics addressed include the water cycle, the water molecule, and conservation of water.
The Alaska Training/Technical Assistance Center presents a manual containing 29 individual activities, intended for high school level students, emphasizing village sanitation; water, wastewater, solid waste and personal hygiene issues. Each activity contains an abstract, objectives, the State Standards addressed, time frame and schedule, a list of materials needed, teachers~ preparation directions, description of student activities, extension activities, assessments, data sheets, references and resources.
The American Ground Water Trust has designed teacher institutes around science content assocation with ground water. “We are not adding to curriculum; we are promoting ground water as a bridge to existing curriculum”...
Online Event - Freshwater to Oceans
Freshwater to Oceans
The effect of land-based human activities is the most important driver of marine pollution and impact on marine ecosystems and coastal and marinedependent economies. The UNEP-Global Programme of Action (GPA) estimates that about 80% of the pollution load in the oceans originates from land-based activities, which threaten health, productivity, and biodiversity of the marine environment.
The resulting impact of this pollution affects some of the most productive areas of the marine environment (ecologically and economically), such as estuaries and nearshore coastal waters. Linking watershed and coastal management-especially in those areas affected by the availability, use, quality, and influence of freshwater - is now recognized as a need to be addressed by multiple parties, and one that requires commitment and preventive action at all levels: local, national, regional, and global.