It's Time to March for the Ocean!

On June 9th, 2018 a March For The Ocean (#M4O) will take place in Washington, D.C. and in cities around the world. Let's gather in the nation's capital or at a march in a city near you. Let's organize. Let's volunteer. We must declare, loudly and publicly, that the ocean will prevail and will continue to support us for generations to come if only we have the courage and the will to sustain it.

On Saturday, June 9th I will join countless others to march for the ocean in Washington, D.C. and in other places around the world. The ocean is not a place apart to be exploited irresponsibly or taken for granted. The ocean has shaped our past, is an undeniable focus of our present, and is the inevitable source for our future survival. It unites us all and pertains to every aspect of our lives: climate, fresh water, food, energy, health, security, community development, cultural traditions, and so much more. It is a natural system, yes, but it is also a technical system, a financial system, a political system, and a social system that will sustain us if only we resolve to sustain it for the benefit of all mankind.