Polar Regions
December 4, 2017

In this episode of World Ocean Radio we ask who benefits from current solutions to ocean acidification, co2 emissions, and plastic pollution, and if there might be simpler ideas that involve investments in green technologies, demand for alternatives, and a shift in attitudes and behaviors away from a bankrupt system of fossil fuels toward one of sustainability and solution.

November 28, 2017

In this week's episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill outlines some of the various applications of the oft-times controversial artificial intelligence technologies employed at sea. And he asserts that since the ocean is a place of connection, we should be thinking of digital platforms as a way to design and integrate global systems for a successful and sustainable future.

November 21, 2017

In this episode, host Peter Neill discusses the need for more funding and energy directed toward the vast unknown ocean, and the importance of scientific endeavor and observation. And he highlights the work of the General Bathymetric Chart for the Oceans (GEBCO), a project dedicated to completing the full mapping of the world ocean by 2030.

November 13, 2017

This week on World Ocean Radio: part five of a multi-part series on the Arctic. In this episode, host Peter Neill discusses the ongoing debate over geological claims to the Arctic and who owns the rights to the natural resources in the vast outer limits of Arctic waters.

November 7, 2017

This week on World Ocean Radio: part four of a multi-part series on the Arctic. In this episode, host Peter Neill examines the rights of the indigenous peoples of the Arctic; their role in governance and their limited powers at the bargaining table; the realities of their health and welfare; and the myriad effects of management, policy, and outside interests by foreign governments.

October 30, 2017

As fisheries worldwide are being depleted by over-fishing and illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing (IUU), interest in an ever-expanding Arctic is growing exponentially. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill outlines a July 2015 meeting of five Arctic nations during which catch limits were imposed; and a follow-up meeting in April 2017 in which delegates from five additional countries took the agreement a step forward toward legally binding, an effort that would prevent commercial fishing in parts of the Central Arctic Ocean until science-based fisheries management measures could be put in place.

October 23, 2017

In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill examines a variety of ecosystem services scenarios that look beyond current models and may help to formulate a new value equation for the future benefit of humankind and for healthy, functioning ecosystems.

October 17, 2017

"Soul of the Sea in the Age of the Algorithm" is a new book by Dr. Gregory Stone and Nishan Degnarain, produced in association with World Ocean Observatory Publications. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill outlines the book and explains the ways in which it provokes the imagination, reveals the advantages of new technologies, calls for creative and talented young people to apply their knowledge and skill in the ocean world, and provides an optimistic platform for a future sustained by the capacity of the ocean.

October 10, 2017

This week on World Ocean Radio: part three of a multi-part series on the Arctic. In this episode, host Peter Neill discusses the melting of sea ice, its causes, the adaptation of native Arctic people, and the potential for future exploitation and passage as sea ice continues to recede.

October 2, 2017

This week on World Ocean Radio: part two of a multi-part series on the Arctic. In this episode, host Peter Neill examines the Finland chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2017-2019), outlines their statement of intent, speculates about why the Finland approach is so different from past agendas, and ways in which their innovative approach may make it possible for them to succeed for the Arctic.

September 25, 2017

This week on World Ocean Radio: part one of a multi-part series on the Arctic. In this episode, host Peter Neill examines governance, oversight, resources, and the conditions and challenges facing the Arctic. He describes the work of the Arctic Council, an eight-nation consortium with jurisdiction in the region, and outlines the processes and responsibilities of stewardship by those member nations.

September 11, 2017

Natural forces unleashed an epic scale of destruction on Houston and surrounding areas of Texas. Built upon consumption, unmitigated growth, and fossil fuels, critics now point to the consequences of development based on an outdated paradigm. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill asks, “What are the questions we should be asking, and what are the lessons to be learned from this catastrophe?” and he suggests a new, reorganizing principle on which to rebuild, one that redesigns in the face of a changing climate future, and one that manages growth and treats water as an asset, not an enemy.

September 5, 2017

In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill shares a technology first developed by a team of scientists from MIT and UC Berkeley that could radically change the world by mitigating the global water crisis.

August 28, 2017

After a recent three-week sailing voyage in the North Atlantic, host Peter Neill returns to World Ocean Radio to share observations from being in a distant ocean environment, and how important it is for us to commit to action for protection of the natural places that improve and sustain us.

August 21, 2017

After more than 430 episodes of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill takes this week to outline what the World Ocean Observatory does, and the ways in which we reach people around the globe through various programs, social networks, and our vast website of educational resources.

August 14, 2017

The Chicago Ship Canal is a major feat of civil engineering, and has been controversial and problematic since the beginning. Pollution from an ever-growing human population, the added demand for increased ship and barge traffic, and the introduction of Asian carp into the waterway in the 1970s have posed increased challenges and new threats both upstream and downstream. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill outlines the present situation and the expensive, multi-year plan to restore a natural barrier that was destroyed more than 100 years ago.

August 7, 2017

Since the creation and ratification of the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), many international experts have debated how best to create a binding instrument to address marine areas outside of national jurisdiction—the high seas. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we detail the complex and time-consuming process of creating, coordinating and implementing international ocean policy. And we hail the work of the many people who contribute to building an effective, practical, and applicable agreement for the benefit of all.

July 31, 2017

Summertime along the coast offers us the opportunity to reflect on why the ocean matters, and its importance in our lives. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill shares insights from the great American naturalist and author Rachel Carson, by reading from her seminal book "The Edge of the Sea."

July 24, 2017

An innovative company in Iceland has developed a product from fish skin to treat chronic wounds so that new skin can grow. Called Omega 3 Wound, developed by Kerecis Limited, and approved by the FDA, this product illustrates that we have the capacity to use 100% of the fish, thereby maximizing the value of the catch and accelerating economic opportunity around the globe.

July 17, 2017

As Finland begins to outline its Arctic Council agenda for the next two years, Russian involvement and investment in the region continues to grow at a fast pace. In this episode of World Ocean Radio, host Peter Neill explains Russia’s history in the Arctic and their present and future interest, centered primarily on the extraction of oil and mineral resources. And he cautions that Russia, with their advantage to the region via fleet size and access, shows little concern for the consequences of the inevitable negative outcomes from increased exploitative activity.

July 10, 2017

The ocean is continually and exhaustively over-exploited: over-fishing by international fisheries, sand mining for construction projects and artificial islands, coral reefs and marine species for medical advances, and deep sea mining for minerals. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we discuss the controversial Solwara One project proposed by Nautilus Inc. for mining minerals offshore Papua New Guinea. We share outcomes from the Nautilus Annual Meeting and read a selection of comments from community members opposed to the project.

July 4, 2017

Age old discoveries and scientific advances have long dispelled the belief that the earth is flat. Recent technological advances have moved recorded data into third dimension visualization, yet today we continue to depict and understand the world in two dimensions. In this episode of World Ocean Radio host Peter Neill asks us to consider how we might add dimension to our ways of thinking in order to fully understand and interact with Earth's dynamic systems.

June 23, 2017

As a follow up to a World Ocean Radio episode from mid-May, we offer an overview of the Ocean Conference in New York last week which sought to reach outcomes toward sustainable development goal (SDG) 14: to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development. And in this episode we encourage all listeners to become agents for change by choosing one ocean issue and investing talent and action toward a solution.

June 20, 2017

At the United Nations Ocean Conference in New York in June, each attending delegate was presented with a new book by co-authors Dr. Gregory Stone and Nishan Degnarain. “Soul of the Sea in the Age of the Algorithm, How Tech Start Ups Can Heal Our Oceans,” surveys the evolution of ocean exploration and exploitation through three phases of global change. "Soul of the Sea" sets out just how grave the problems facing our oceans are, but also how solvable they can be.

June 12, 2017

Water conflict is nothing new. We have been fighting wars over the most valuable resource on the planet since thousands of years B.C. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we highlight the Pacific Institute as a provocative source of information about the world's freshwater resources, including a comprehensive chronology of water conflict complete with historical context.