Polar Regions
November 2, 2021

In this brief series we have explored technologies, initiatives and other advancements for aquaculture with the power to improve efficiency and safety as a positive contribution to our future food supply and global health. This week represents the fourth and final installment of the series, focusing on the broader view of the word "aquaculture"—Water plus Culture—the universal source and guiding influence for our lives that will nurture and sustain us into the future if we can recognize and protect its significance for every aspect of our being.

October 25, 2021

In this brief series we're exploring disruptive technologies for aquaculture, specific initiatives and other advancements to improve efficiency and safety as a positive contribution to our future food supply and global health. This week we are discussing the challenges to aquaculture, the perils of some new unmanned technologies on the horizon, the pros and cons of offshore systems, and the spectrum of alternative projects that could alleviate the typical pitfalls of offshore aquaculture.

October 18, 2021

In this brief series we're exploring disruptive technologies for aquaculture, specific initiatives and other advancements to improve efficiency and safety as a positive contribution to out future food supply and global health. This week we are acknowledging some of the improvements made by the aquaculture industry in terms of feed, antibiotics, waste, disease, off-shore structures, water treatment, quality control, and other factors that have in the past turned public interest and support for aquaculture toward misunderstanding and opposition.

October 11, 2021

Without mitigation of consumption and illegal fishing, we face a global crisis of protein supply to feed a growing world population. Over the next few editions of World Ocean Radio we will explore disruptive technologies for aquaculture, specific initiatives and other advancements to improve efficiency and safety of aquaculture as a positive contribution to out future food supply and global health.

October 4, 2021

Sea level rise is changing the agricultural landscape around the world. Fortunately, saltwater irrigation has been studied for decades, and experiments and research have grown and demonstrated the viability of some plants such as halophytes that have the potential to change our conventional food landscape. In this episode we explore questions related to salt-water irrigation such as: what types of new crops can be developed for sustainable harvest, and what techniques can be invented to succeed without additional environmental damage?

September 27, 2021

According to the US Geological Survey, 70% of the available freshwater worldwide is used for irrigation. Industrial agriculture and modern irrigation practices have today brought us to a global water crisis. This week we're discussing what has been called the “irrigation efficiency paradox,” when farmers use more water, even as they are becoming more efficient in their irrigation practices. What will happen when the water cycle fails because we won’t change our water wasting ways?

September 20, 2021

Intense weather events are calling attention to not just local but worldwide water crises caused by climate. Coastal inundation, community disruption, dislocation and recovery are problems that we seem increasingly unable to withstand. This week on World Ocean Radio: the Danish Hydraulic Institute and their experiments with the concept of "sponge cities", a revolutionary planning tool to integrate urban design with water management strategies such as ground conditions, road and construction patterns and more, to create responses to rapidly changing coastal conditions.

September 13, 2021

Visualization is a powerful tool for understanding beyond data, opening our minds and enabling transformative change through a new way of seeing. This week we're discussing the Spilhaus World Ocean Map, a projection of earth centered on Antarctica that makes the ocean the focus of an astonishing worldview, pushing the land to the outer edges of the square and re-organizing our global geography around the true natural systems of the world ocean.

September 7, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we are discussing hydrology, the "hydrospatial" perspective, and the importance of multi-dimensional analyses and visualizations for planning and decision-making that break down the artificial disciplinary boundaries of science to allow for comprehensive inclusion of multiple perspectives and better understanding of complex ocean systems for international goals and objectives.

August 30, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we're looking to the night sky, to ponder the wonder contained therein, and to explore the danger of polluting it forever in the name of modern navigation and instant communications worldwide.

August 24, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we reflect on "blue" and the profound stages of meaning beyond the color of the sea and sky to encompass depth, stability, wisdom, faith, truth, redemption, and the natural world.

August 16, 2021

Four Essential Steps toward a Responsible U.S. Ocean Policy
International agreements are essential if we are to sustain natural resources as natural capital for our future. In this episode of World Ocean Radio we outline four major environmental treaties the United States never ratified—but should.

August 9, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we're discussing Earth Overshoot Day 2021 which landed on July 29th, meaning we are running an ecological deficit between now and the end of the year. The calculation is clear: we are consuming more than the earth can produce, overshooting our sustainable capacity by exhausting the resources upon which we all depend.

August 3, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio: an idea to confront the big polluters of the fossil fuel industry for their indifference to redress, by attaching reparations for the exploitation of natural resources over time, thereby providing incentives for new, non-polluting technologies of energy generation, storage and distribution toward a more sustainable future for our climate and ourselves.

July 27, 2021

This week marks the 600th episode of World Ocean Radio. It was in 2009 that the show first began with encouragement from WERU-FM Community Radio in Blue Hill, Maine. Today World Ocean Radio is heard via countless college and community radio stations around the United States and in select regions in New Zealand, Hong Kong and Africa. Thanks to the rise in social media these last number of years we are now broadcast worldwide, reaching millions of listeners connected by the sea. In this week's special anniversary edition we look back to the state of the ocean when this show first began, where we are now, and where we could be headed if we so choose to employ the many tools at our disposal to sustain our water planet.

July 19, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio we are discussing the challenges of excess carbon dioxide in the air and some of the engineered solutions now being employed to sequester carbon from the ocean and transform it into a solid.

July 6, 2021

To execute transformative response to the challenges of the 21st century we will need a new style of leadership action: from governance and corporate consciousness to manufacturing, engineering and design, from research to education to new moral standards at all levels of society. What are the change agents that will allow us to realize change? What are the financial tools that will include equity and justice? This week on World Ocean Radio, part 44 of the BLUEprint Series, we discuss macro-ethics and leadership in the fields of engineering and the planning, design and construction of sustainable, socially responsible, environmentally sound and politically fair systems of development.

June 29, 2021

This week on World Ocean Radio: part 43 of the BLUEprint Series outlining a new and sustainable path forward with the ocean leading the way. In this episode we introduce listeners to The Transition Network, highlighting some of their 1,150 global initiatives that reflect the principles and practical actions of community, sustainability, resilience, justice and change.

June 21, 2021

Since the origins of planet earth, through the foundation of civilization, to the exhausted land we live in today, we are faced with a Third Nature. If we can abandon the old paradigms, we can make the shift toward water--our watersheds, rivers, lakes and primarily coasts and ocean--the places we will turn for our energy, our fresh water, our food and all of the things that contribute to our sustainability and survival. This week marks week 42 of the BLUEprint Series: How the Ocean Will Save Civilization, outlining a new and sustainable path forward, with the ocean leading the way.

June 14, 2021

How can ecological resistance be sustained? This week on World Ocean Radio, part 40 of the BLUEprint Series, we outline various tools to confront the challenge of stressed ocean systems: coastal zone management, pollution reduction, marine spatial planning, and other active restoration programs that may serve to diminish the negative decline and define a new, sustainable way forward.

June 7, 2021

Ocean systems are as challenged as ever, and the ocean remains essential as we plan for change. The World Ocean Observatory is a major utility for ocean communication, and we are dedicated to our work as a means to advance public awareness and political will. On this World Oceans Day--and every day--we advocate for the health of the ocean through education, public connection and relentless communications. We hope you will take a moment on World Oceans Day to think about the ways that the ocean is influenced by you, and the ways that you are influenced by the ocean. Enjoy this week's episode of World Ocean Radio: a celebration of World Oceans Day.

June 1, 2021

The Blue Economy is providing new investment in ocean resources. How might individual investors do blue economy investing the right way, and which investments meet the criteria for true blue investing? This week on World Ocean Radio, part 40 of the BLUEprint Series, host Peter Neill dives into the true meaning of the often over-used "blue economy" terminology and describes his recent discovery of a strategic initiatives portfolio conceived by JPI Oceans in Europe that strives to increase the impact of national investments in marine and maritime research and innovation. And he shares the values, goals and objectives that propose a structure around which specific investments could be made to achieve social and monetary return while achieving a commitment to sustainability and the ocean.

May 25, 2021

In this episode, part thirty-nine of the multi-part BLUEprint series, we follow up on last weeks' examination of China's response to the climate crisis and ask readers to consider whether a democracy as vocal and divided as the United States can make meaningful change. We discuss bottom-up solutions beginning at the local level, where real transformative action and societal regeneration toward sustainability begins.

May 17, 2021

In this episode, part thirty-eight of the multi-part BLUEprint series, we examine some statistics that show steps China is taking to confront the climate crisis—one of the only nations in the world whose government has recognized the realities of climate change and all of its manifestations as measured by environmental degradation, the corruption of land and water, and the inevitable decline in economy and community, and the steps the nation has taken to develop policy, incentive, and frameworks toward ecosystem health and sustainability.

May 10, 2021

In this episode, part thirty-seven of the multi-part BLUEprint series, we continue to discuss the take-aways from the recently published 2nd United Nations World Ocean Assessment, a report that looks at the social, environmental, demographic and economic trends, as well as a review of the integrated sustainable management of coasts and oceans as driven by science, technology and innovation. In this episode we look at the report through the lens of ecosystem service analysis, the ways in which we view and value Nature, and some examples of projects globally that are based ecosystem service accounting that are preserving places and biodiversity.